First Game Jam COMPLETE!

Ludum Dare 47 was my first ever game jam, and I have to say I am proud of what I created! Here is a kind of post mortem of my experience!

Topic Release: Man was I thrown for a loop with this topic. It was one I voted for but I had no idea on what to do. I had to go shopping right after the topic was released. While I was browsing the shelves and watching the robot employee scanning shelves, I had an epiphany! I should make a game with a emotional AI and a broken testing chamber! I thought it was fitting after watching this robot worker stuck in an endless loop of scanning and charging. As soon as I got home, I booted up Construct 3 and started creating!

Mechanics: I had a rough idea for level “progression” and what traps, items, and tech I would need to create. The first level is easy, just make it to the portal at the end and the second level is much of the same. The third however is when the AI starts to panic and try to fix the broken looping level. Each iteration introducing another game mechanic, be that death or throwing a cube.

Level Design: What can I say, I am a sucker for platformers! The level designs were made on the fly with iterative testing as new blocks and items were added. Not to much to say here other than make some jumps hard, and make some almost frame perfect.

Art: All the art was created for this Jam in the 72 hours. I love pixel art and actually created most of the sprites before starting the actual game development cycle. A bad habit that I need to break away from. Prototypes first to get the mechanics down! No wasted time!

Sound: All SFX were created in bfxr by me.

Story: This story was inspired the robot employee at my supermarket.

Overall I am proud of my game and excited to do more game jams!


The ARTS Loop Play in browser
Oct 05, 2020

Get The A.R.T.S. Loop

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